Registered Herbalists
Carmen Adams , CHN, RH (AHG)
Innergy Med Group
My job is to help you heal and become your own health advocate. Are you ready to embrace health and empower yourself?
My journey began after experiencing various health issues in my own life, such as acne, weight gain, anxiety, depression, digestive issues, food allergies, and even reproductive problems from the use of birth control. I was sick of being sick and I knew that a change was needed. Through education, experience, and the guidance of herbal experts, I naturally became my own first client.
Using Herbs, Nutrition, Mindfulness, and Science, I am here to guide you on your path to wellness.
My job is to assist you in healing fully and empower you to follow what aligns with your wellness journey. When you work with me, you will:
Finally be able to make sense of your symptoms
Create a healing team that works for you
Build the foundation for a healthy life
Being a GUIDE
My passion is to guide you with informed consent to fully empower you to follow what is in alignment with your wellness journey.
The heart is my favorite organ because it knows it needs to give to itself first to keep the rest of the body running. If you or a loved one is experiencing unpleasant symptoms dealing with your HEART, I have extensive experience in holistic concepts that have eased pain and discomfort for many clients. I often see clients who were previously diagnosed with high cholesterol and high blood pressure desiring to incorporate holistic wellness concepts that WORK based on a variety of tools for measurement.
With the assistance of a well-rounded healthcare team, we are able to successfully teach clients prevention and methods for recovery. It’s time to give your heart - and all the areas of your body - the attention that they need. and empower you to follow what is in alignment with your wellness journey.
I desire to inspire my mentees clinical thought process as they actively practice the Art of Herbalism.
Katherine Adams , RH (AHG)
Stallard Road Farm & Botanicals
Clinical Herbalist, Grower, Medicine Maker, Educator. I offer health assessments, classes and educational experiences for children and adults alike. Homeschool groups welcome! Check out the website for more information.
Kerry H Adams , RH (AHG)
Herbally Yours Inc
Family Practice Herbal Medicine
Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner
Talal Al-Hamad , RH (AHG)
The Urban Apothecary
Our founder Talal Al-Hamad is a man of many talents. Dubbed “The Deranged Herbalist” he has a diverse background in many natural healing modalities. He utilizes a unique east meets west approach to imbalances and disease, with great efficacy. Throughout the years Talal has been a student of various holistic modalities & arts including:
-Traditional Western Herbalism
-Islamic & Unani medicine
-Flower essence therapy & Aromatherapy
-Yoga (Pranayama, Mudras & Asana)
-Nutrition & Diet
His initial interest into holistic healing was due to several health issues that plagued him. Being completely dissatisfied with the answers and results allopathic medicine had to offer he set off on a personal transformative journey to seek out the true cause for his imbalances. This journey led to a period of deep study and personal growth as he foraged the plains of holistic healing to find his purpose. Without fail the path always led back to the power of nature, to the plants themselves. He loved the idea of not relying on anyone to manufacture his remedies (as homeopaths often do) and felt very empowered and connected with his own medicine. Their results were powerful and had little to no side effects. It was then he knew that herbal medicine was his path in life.
His formal education includes training at a herbal college, and also completing a clinical herbalist program in Ontario. However, Talal quickly recognized the limitations of purely formal training and sought to balance his knowledge by keeping up with knowledge only shared by word of mouth. “The knowledge shared in the hearts that is not found written on lines”.
Talal has spent years studying with various institutes and living mentors based in a variety of places including: Canada, USA, Kuwait, Iraq, Egypt, UK & India. Talal’s unique style has been influenced by a plethora of mentors both past and living. Practitioners such as: The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Michael Moore, LW Osbourne, Johan Hollandus, George Ripley, Horatio C Wood Jr, Donny Yance, Ahmed Al Buni, Jabir Bin Hayan, Abu Bakir Al Razi, Avicenna, Al Majriti, Al Ghazalli, Imam Ali, and many more.
In addition to his formal training, Talal has spent many years in intense self study, immersing himself in a myriad of rare works. He continues to study, experiment and research in a variety of alchemical vegetable, mineral & animal works, where he has pioneered techniques and completed works unique to him. Talal’s passion and dedication to helping evolve “The Great Work” by connecting the missing dots found in the Arab World is a task he does not take lightly.
Today, Talal has earned a reputation as a multi-faceted East meets West herbalist – keen on exploring the boundaries of medicine making through the lost art of Alchemy. He is also becoming well known for his efforts in bringing greater awareness of Islamic/Arabic & Unani medicine to the West, becoming a real & audible voice for Arab health practitioners in the region. He works with people and animals & uses multiple modalities but is an herbalist at heart. In addition to teaching at international symposiums, his articles have also been featured in magazines such as Ayurveda Mantra & Tonic Toronto.
Talal is a Registered Medical Herbalist and a professional member of The American Herbalists Guild (AHG) & The BC Herbalists Association (BCHA). From 2020 to 2022 He was heavily involved in the AHG as a member of the: governing council, diversity equity and inclusivity committee, Ad hoc committee & Membership committee. He is currently an active board member in the BCHA.
He was also an independent author/contributor & researcher for The Herbal Academy, an online herbal school. Talal works with people and animals & uses multiple modalities but is an herbalist at heart. In addition to teaching at international symposiums, his articles have also been featured in magazines such as Ayurveda Mantra & Tonic Toronto.
Talal doesn’t see results as a reason to stop continually evolving as a practitioner or person. He continues to prove this point through measurable action and a lifelong commitment. From keeping up with allopathic drugs, new scientific findings to figuring out ways to clinically prove “mythical” alchemical preparations in a clinical context, Talal can always be found studying and evolving his toolkit in his spare time. For he truly believes that there is no upper limit for learning.
In his spare time Talal enjoys playing jazz & death metal, as well as regularly training in various martial arts. He is also known for his extensive culinary fusion explorations, marrying herbalism and cooking in a controlled yet witty manner. Talal has an innate passion for healing and has devoted his life to developing his treatment protocols and furthering his knowledge of medicinal herbs. Having conquered his own health challenges with his knowledge, it is easy to see how his passion for healing others is truly sincere.
Leslie Alexander , PhD, RH (AHG)
Restoration Herbs
I'm a practicing western herbalist based in Erie, PA, and work with clients both face-to-face and online. As part of my holistic practice, I pay particular attention to digestion and the health of the mouth.
An avid teacher, I offer classes locally and beyond on a variety of topics for the general public and herbalists.
I’m particularly interested in working with people who work with themselves, family & friends and those seeking an herbal career path; distance learning available, including clinical work and mentorship ~ enquiries & students welcome.
As a professional, my on-going continuing education is very important to me and is a regular part of my monthly practice.
I am also co-author of, "Dental Herbalism: Natural Therapies for the Mouth".
Please contact me or visit my website for details.
Mary Allan , RH (AHG)
Solstice Clinic of Natural Therapies
B.Nat. Med, Dip. Clin. HM., Dip. Yog. Th.
Herbalism is the heart of my clinic.
I have worked in a variety of roles teaching materia medica and herbal therapeutics in a professional setting, teaching community education, giving public talks and workshops and leading foraging walks.
As well as running a private practice, I work with the Southern Institute of Medical Herbalists, New Zealand.
I have also co-authored two books, with herbal medicine educator and practitioner, Isla Burgess, 'A Women's Health & Wellbeing Kete' Vol I & II.
Michael Altman , CN, MS, RH (AHG)
Michael has been a practicing herbalist for over 25 years with integrative oncology, neuro, cardiovascular care and a wide range of experience. In addition to his client work, Michael has developed a full line of encapsulated herbal blends for his client population and other practitioners. His focus is on berry and anti-inflammatory products, seaweeds, immune support and a range of clinical extract capsule blends he is able to distribute through his mobile dispensary for supporting clients on the fly. Michael has 15 years of college teaching experience in nutrition, sports nutrition, and environmental health and has taught classes on herbalism for many years and English before that while he was living in Madrid, Spain in his early twenties. He is an avid writer with experience in radio and print journalism at Jefferson Public Radio and Oregon Public Broadcasting. He earned a degree in International Studies and Political Science at Emory University, completed multiple levels of the Green Medicine Program at New York's Open Center and spent four months digging Herb Pharm's Herbaculture Program. He later earned his Master's Degree where he taught at Southern Oregon University in Ashland, Oregon. Michael spent years working at multiple oncology and integrative clinics until 2014, when he moved to Duvall, Washington where he fully immersed in his own practice. Michael loves to walk in the woods and on the beach, swim with manatees and tarpon, and mountain bike and paddleboard among the crystal clear lazy rivers in Central Florida when time permits.
Andrew Appello , LAc, MSN, RH (AHG), DACM, APN
Healthy Living Acupuncture
Acupuncturist, Family Nurse Practitioner, Western, Chinese, and Ayurvedic herbalist; Personal consultations, Classes
Nir Avraham , MSc
Trifolium Pharmacy, Botanic-Cure Clinic
Jessica Baker , Dip. OM, LAc, RH (AHG)
Baker Botanica
Western Herbology, Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Chinese Herbology, Clinical Aromatherapy, Cranio Sacral, Medical Qi Gong, Tuning Forks
This listing is for practitioners who have met the criteria for Registered Herbalist in the American Herbalists Guild. The information listed is provided by the practitioner and is not reviewed, evaluated or endorsed in any way by the AHG.
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